
Parivartane (Metamorphosis) is viewed as relative from one moment to moment another. But, Kshana (a moment) itself is a dynamic continous flux. To capture this moment we have to keep transforming every moment consciously. If not experienced conciously we will be floating in the delusion of stability. The very essence of existence is not constant, but, variability from infinity to infinity, where infinity itself is undefined!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Necessity of Illusion

We cannot “know” without knowing the “not know”. In the sense, to know something we need to know the condition where something is not also! To have a complete understanding both assertion and negation of that assertion should be known…….meaning to say, that to assert 'oneness' truth we need to know the 'duality/multiplicity' beforehand as well. So it is necessary to be in the world of illusion before you completely see and appreciate the oneness in/of reality.