
Parivartane (Metamorphosis) is viewed as relative from one moment to moment another. But, Kshana (a moment) itself is a dynamic continous flux. To capture this moment we have to keep transforming every moment consciously. If not experienced conciously we will be floating in the delusion of stability. The very essence of existence is not constant, but, variability from infinity to infinity, where infinity itself is undefined!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fragile Fragrance of a Boy!

I was once madly in love, however she didnt wanted to be loved by me! Now, it hurts to love her, yet I cry in her arms, and scream at her, with her; out of agony and for that pain!
I had once hated to love her, then she was back, I was weak. I was weak out of nostalgia, fell for her again, only to know she was with another man when she ignored my love! Wasn't my love good enough, then?

Was I not willing to wait or were you not? You were not willing to wait for my love nor you waited for yourself to love me! Now, I wonder if you were weak? So weak as to succumb to tangible pleasures of life, that you did not realize you walked past, and walked over a blooming flower, crushing, in the spring of love! By crushing, though, you were able to squeeze out the pleasant fragrance out this flower, you would regret for your life that you will never get to see the fresh beauty of this flower under spring sunlight!
Yet.....yet, I continue to induce fragrance in you!!